Dr Giulia Benedetti graduated in Medicine at San Raffaele University in Milan (Italy) with an experimental thesis on the role of magnetic resonance imaging in the assessment of microvascular obstruction in patients with acute myocardial infarction in 2012.
She completed her training in Radiology (CCT) in 2018 with an experimental thesis on new CMR parameters in short-term monitoring of patients with acute myocarditis. During her training, she developed a great interest for cardiac imaging, particularly in Late Iodine Enhancement Cardiac Computed Tomography, CT-derived Extracellular Volume (CT-ECV) and CT for the assessment of valve disease, with marked interest in TAVI, but also in CT for pre-operative assessment of MV replacement. Her other main interest has always been thoracic imaging, followed by oncologic imaging. She also developed interest for AI and machine learning, leading projects based on the use of Radiomics. During this time, she has been a part-time lecturer in Anatomy and Radiology at the San Raffaele University.
In 2016, She completed a clinical and research fellowship in Cardiac Imaging at Barts Heart Centre under Professor James Moon, focusing on cardiac CT and MRI. This has included advanced cardiac tissue characterisation and perfusion imaging. During her fellowship, she joined a team setting up a Cardiac MRI service in Lima (Peru), project funded by the British Embassy as part of a research project for sustainable improvement in developing countries.
She started as cardio-thoracic consultant radiologist at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust in 2018. Here she is regularly exposed to a variety of cardio-thoracic pathologies, including adult congenital heart disease, CT in the setting of both stable and acute chest pain, CT for TAVI planning and assessment before MV replacement.
She has taken part to several research projects related to cardiac imaging, presented at national and international conferences and wrote book chapters. One of her strong interest is focused on quantitative cardiac imaging techniques, particularly on Perfusion CT. She is regularly taking part to teaching activities trying to share her passion for cardiac imaging with radiology and cardiology registrars and fellows. She is part of the British Society of Cardiac CT, the European Society of Radiology. She is also part of the European Society of Cardiac Radiology Young Club and the Italian Society of Cardiac Radiology Young Club, where she actively participates to Webinar, preparation of clinical cases and short papers, mainly related to cardiac CT.